If you are interested in purchasing any of the following products, click here for order form or call 781-436-3187 and speak with Kim. See details at bottom for additional subjects*.
*There are additional charges associated with caricatures that add additional subjects:
- 8.5 x 11 Caricature has an additional charge of $5 for each additional subject.
- 11 x 14 Caricature has an additional charge of $15 for each additional subject.
- 14 x 18 Caricature has an additional charge of $25 for each additional subject.
- 18 x 24 Lifetime Caricature can have up to 10 lifetime achievements and career accomplishments with a centered detailed caricature.
- 20 x 30 and 30 x 40 Sign-In Boards have an additional charge of $35 for each additional subject.
*Massachusetts Residents must add 6.25% sales tax.
Boston’s Best Caricature Artists serving New England and all parts of the United States.