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Charity, It Does a Body Good

December 11th, 2023 by Kenneth Abrahams

At this time of year many ads on TV are for charitable organizations. Our screens are filled with images of starving kids, abused animals, families singing the praises of a variety of hospitals like Shriners or St. Jude’s, and of course photos of beautiful, majestic animals that are nearing extinction. For some, they will spend far more on giving to charities this season than they will on gifts for friends and family.

December also marks the end of our fiscal year at FUN. As we wrap up our year and prepare to pay the US Government their end of year cut, our accountant will again bemoan the fact that the business and its management have given to much money, products, and services to charities. Yet, every year I wish we could do more. There is no shortage of need out there. Whether it is donating to Toys for Tots drives, contributing food or money to food pantries, or helping a client with a Relay for Life there are so many ways that we can help. It never seems like I, or we, do enough. No, this is not a plea to be contacted by more organizations asking for our help and support, we have a great group of causes that we support it is a simple fact.

This week, I picked up the mail for our house and realized that we are averaging about 8 letters a day asking for money. Some are organizations that we currently support, while others would like our money to further their causes. Not that I am looking to place blame anywhere, but if I am going to blame this outlay each year it rests with my dear mother. She went through life believing that regardless of what was going on in her life there were others that had it far worse. She was a true philanthropist, in every sense of the word. She gave not for recognition, accolades, or a tax break, but simply because she felt it was the right thing to do. With her it was more than money, she participated in clinical trials for Alzheimer’s research and drugs, and quite possibly suffered a shortened life span because of those trials. In some of the studies we found out later that she was given a placebo and not the experimental drugs. She wouldn’t have cared even if she knew because if it helped someone else that was good enough for her.

In my household, I am also married to a fundraiser who knows the power of donations to an organization. She has seen firsthand how these organizations and academic institutions save and improve lives. To compound the “problem” our eldest son has followed in her footsteps and is also a development professional. His Facebook page has information on what he does and links to donate to the organization he works for. Instead of asking for gifts this year he and his wife have both asked for donations to be made in their names even though there are things they could both use or would enjoy having. My mother would be both touched by what they are doing and proud of their requests.

This year, some of the donations that we made have become even more special for me. Early in 2023, I was diagnosed with skin cancer. My type of cancer is Squamous cell carcinoma, a mild form of skin cancer. Currently, I am undergoing treatment and as long as I wear hats and lots of sunscreen it should be fine. Chances are pretty good that I will be dealing with this the rest of my life, but it made me realize how lucky I am. Through my wife’s job we have good health insurance and I have a family that worries about me and takes very good care of me. Getting to and from the doctors is not a problem and if I need to take time away from work both the people at FUN and our clients are very understanding. So many others in this world are not so lucky. They have conditions that are far worse than mine. Perhaps they are older or live alone and have no support system. Not everyone has health insurance or the insurance they have isn’t great. Some are unaware that they have a condition that needs treatment while others avoid treatment because they either can’t afford it or can’t get to the doctor or hospital. Several of the radio stations that I listen to are participating in local or national fundraising campaigns. This week it was to raise money for St. Jude’s hospital. Many people I’m sure switched stations or simply turned their radios off instead of listening to the stories of patients and their families. While others couldn’t dial the phone or text in their pledges fast enough. Unless you are the Grinch, before he has his epiphany, it is hard not to be moved by these stories. For me, the narratives by parents that have lost kids are especially powerful.

Medical conditions aren’t the only thing that plague people. Food insecurity or hunger is a problem in many communities in this country. Lots of the people impacted are employed, hard working folks who simply don’t make enough to cover their monthly bills. Some need to decide between paying for gas, insurance, and car payments in order to get to work, or putting food on their tables. Not a choice that thankfully I have ever had to make. Food pantries years ago were rarely found on college campuses now many schools have them. On the radio the other day, a teacher in an elementary school was talking about a student that was complaining of stomach pains and when she questioned the child further, the pains were from a lack of food. On the previous day the child had missed school and that is where they got their meals from, simply heartbreaking.

There is an old saying from the bible that has been changed many times but the gist of it is that to whom much is given much is required or expected. Many in this world have been given quite a bit. Even if you have made your own way, you have been given or created opportunity. It is incumbent on those of us that have to give back, pay it forward or simply provide a hand up. This is the season of giving and your gifts, regardless of how big or small, make a difference. Do you really need another shirt, kitchen gadget or sports equipment? Helping others may just be the best gift you give all year.

About the author

Ken Abrahams loves this season. It is when you usually get to see the best in people. If you celebrate he wants to wish you a very Happy Holiday season and a spectacular 2024.