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Spring Hopes Eternal

April 17th, 2023 by Kenneth Abrahams

There is something about spring that somehow makes life feel lighter. Perhaps, it’s the longer, warmer days, maybe it’s being able to shed a layer or 2 of clothing, or it might be that we are closer to Summer. Of course, the end of winter and putting away shovels doesn’t hurt either. Another baseball season is just beginning, and everyone is in the playoff/championship hunt. This year, spring couldn’t come fast enough for me. Some may have noticed more than a few of the blogs lately have been on the negative side. Not that I would shy away from what has been written as there is a lot of negative stuff happening in the world and with colleges and universities.

That being said, I needed a break and spring provided just that. My disposition, at least as far as this blog goes, is a bit sunnier, warmer, and yes, brighter.

Going to NASPA (Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education) a few weeks ago was just what the doctor ordered. NASPA is not really our market or where our clients, for the most part, are found. Many former clients that have moved up to Vice President or Dean level positions do attend. This year’s conference was in Boston, so it made sense to attend. As in the past, we donated services in exchange for a booth in the exhibit hall. As I said, it is not really our client base, so the expectations were very low as to what we would get out of the conference. Each day my briefcase was loaded with my phone, thank you notes that needed to be written, and a pad of paper with my call list on it. I was sure there would be plenty of downtime to do a lot of work.

However, at the end of each day no thank you notes had been written, the only calls made or returned were those that were time sensitive, other than at the beginning of the day very few emails were sent. It was rare that the booth was empty for more than a few minutes at a time, which was surprisingly great. No, there were not dozens of contracts written or lots of new contacts made, but it gave me the opportunity to catch up with some longtime friends, make a few new ones, and get a pulse on what was going on from a different perspective in Higher Education.  Perhaps it was the setting and that they were away from campus, or maybe it was that they too were reconnecting with people they hadn’t seen in a long time, but there was a great energy in the room.

It seemed that people are genuinely excited about what is happening on campus right now. That pall that had been hanging in the air since March of 2020 is starting to lift. Students are showing up to events and interested in leadership positions again. Their program boards and student governments, although not full, are in better shape than they had been in years. Students once again are asking for additional leadership training and opportunities. New traditions are being started on several campuses and some of those less desirable, long-standing events are fading into the rearview mirror.

As many of you know, offices of student activities, involvement, and affairs made significant changes post pandemic. Folks that had been at the same campus or in the same role for years had moved on or taken on a new role at the same campus. Despite some of those changes not being by choice, it appeared that everyone was thriving in their new roles and at their new institutions. For some, the new role allowed them a better life work balance; better hours, a shorter commute, less nights and weekends, a better supervisor, or simply a new challenge were a few of the reasons given as to why things were better. In short, it was nice to hear and see that they seemed more relaxed than they had been in the past.

It wasn’t just the veteran student affairs professionals that made the experience a good one but some of the graduate and undergraduate students that I met as well. People whose journeys were just starting out. They saw a future in the field, often because of an individual or individuals that had mentored them as students. An opportunity had been presented to them to go into a field where they would never make a king’s ransom but the impact that they could have on people’s lives would be immeasurable. Suffice it to say that their enthusiasm was infectious. Attending the NASPA conference was far better than I expected it to be.

This spring also brings a new job for my wife. She is returning to a college campus more than 5 years after her last job in the academic world. Few people that I know enjoy being in a collegiate environment more than she does. Her role is the Vice President for Advancement at Assumption University. For those that are unfamiliar with Assumption it is a small Catholic affiliated school in Worcester Massachusetts. Jill loves not only raising money for colleges but thrives in that environment. Many people in her role are fairly removed from current students, concentrating on the alumni, but not her. She loves meeting students, attending events, and immersing herself in the culture and the campus. It is great to see how excited she is.

For me one of the brightest lights this spring, professionally speaking, has been working events with long lines of students waiting to participate in the programs we are bringing. Seeing real excitement on their faces as they ask what we are doing. Having lines forming before we even start. Seeing them text friends to come to the event because they are having such a good time. Although not my favorite thing to do, we are turning people away at the end of programs because we are simply out of time or, in rare cases, out of product. It is rewarding to see those that are planning the events smiling as they see the fruits of their labors being enjoyed by the campus community, instead of a look of defeat as nobody attends. All and all the arrival of Spring has been great on so many levels.

About the Author

If you ask some people that know him well, they will tell you that Ken Abrahams, even when he was younger, can be a bit of a curmudgeon. As he gets older, at times, he takes on the role of cranky old man. There is a bit of truth to both. For those that like personality tests in True Colors he is a Green, Blue, Orange, Gold and in Strengths he has no strengths in the relationship quadrant.

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