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Kids Really do Have the Spirit of Christmas.

December 21st, 2021 by Kenneth Abrahams

The beard and wig don’t look so out of place now as when I began with the youthful face of a 16 year old. I’m 61 now and although less white needs to be applied to the eyebrows and there is plenty of natural padding these days, the excitement never wanes as I don the big red suit. Because for over 40 years, I have seen Christmas from a perspective that few people ever have. My view is from a big chair with kids all around me.

It has been said that there are few things in this world better than seeing Christmas through the eyes of a child. Especially one that is just figuring out what all the fuss is about. Experiencing Christmas at an age, where they still believe in the magic of the season, warms the heart of even the grumpiest of souls. Christmas through the eyes of youthful exuberance is something to behold and playing the role of Santa is not a bad seat to watch it from. Not only do I get to see all the action up close, but I also get to be a participant. One that can enhance the experience for every child.

Playing Santa is much more than asking kids what they want and ascertaining if they have been good or not. It is about helping children believe in the spirit of the season. Recently, I did an event for a client. Due to the numbers of Covid cases rising again, it was done virtually. We started with a reading of T’was the Night Before Christmas, one of my favorites (although some of the language is a bit outdated, what the heck is a courser)? This was followed by a Q and A session and that is where the fun really began. They threw questions out in rapid fire: Who is your favorite Reindeer? In the book they talk about 8 Reindeer but aren’t their 9? How do you get around the world in 1 night? What is your favorite cookie? What do you do after Christmas? How do you get up and down the chimney? Who is your favorite elf? Since it is 2021 in a pandemic, have you been vaccinated? Will my brother Finn get coal this year? For 30 plus minutes they peppered Jolly Old Saint Nick with their queries and the answers had to be believable. Yes, it was stressful, but it was also exhilarating. Under the beard the smile was genuine as was the twinkle in my eye. It reinforced just how special this time of year is.

Playing this part for forty years has been both joyous and heartbreaking. We get to have these wonderful conversations, often held at a whisper, where we talk about the last 12 months. Sometimes we get information that parents have been trying to get for weeks. Even today, there are kids that will only share their true list with Santa. At times, you will see a look of absolute panic cross the face of a parent as the gift the child tells Santa is their number 1 request has not been on the list all year. Other times, you can confirm what Mom and Dad had suspected. Pre-pandemic, when we were doing a lot more live events where kids could sit on our laps, we got great photos of infants with their tiny hands entwined in our beards, sometimes falling fast asleep on that nice round belly. With a wink or a nod from Mom or Dad, we have had the pleasure of confirming that a child’s special gift will be on the sleigh.

There are, unfortunately, things that Santa can’t do. Repairing divided families, bringing back a loved one or curing a terminal illness. Conversations on those topics are much harder. All I, or anyone in the role, can do is provide a sympathetic ear, let them know that I will keep them in my thought and hope that I don’t start crying, too. As difficult as they are, these conversations are as important as the fun ones.

Five decades of doing this has also allowed me to give back. We have participated in and provided Santa for several charity events. Christmas is a time of year where people open their hearts and wallets to provide food, entertainment, toys, and much needed assistance to those less fortunate. We have worked with homeless shelters, battered women’s shelters, religious organizations, and local charities to help spread some holiday cheer. It is amazing to see the resolve and indomitable spirit in some of these kids and parents. They talk about the future being brighter and this coming year being better. Surprisingly, conversations with these kids, who often have far less or have been through a lot more than those we see at other events, are still filled with the same wonder and wild-eyed enthusiasm. They welcome this time of year with open arms and warm, genuine smiles. It warms this old soul to know they, too, have that Christmas spirit.

For so many people this time of year is stressful. They are consumed with making sure that they have gotten everyone the perfect gift and not forgotten anyone. With the shipping and supply chain issues this year, this has been harder than ever. Cooking and hosting, especially as COVID numbers continue to rise, creates even more challenges. Stop, take a breath, and remember what is important about this season. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, remember some of the messages we hear over and over, Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men, Women, and others. It is about helping others and being kinder to one another. Children understand that. When they are very young, they don’t understand pressure or hate. They learn those from us. As we enter the new year, we can all try to do a little better and see things through the eyes of children.

If you celebrate the holidays, we wish you a Happy Holiday season and whether you celebrate or not, we wish you peace, health, and happiness for the coming year.

About the Author:

Ken Abrahams ([email protected]) grew up in South Bend Indiana until age 14 when he moved to the Boston area with his mother and 3 siblings. He first put on a Santa suit at the age of 16 to bring joy and some holiday cheer to the nursing home his sister worked for and has only missed a handful of years since then.

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